As a proud boat owner, you know how important it is to winterize your boat to avoid costly damage and risk to your safety on the water. However, boat winterization can be daunting, and many boat owners shy away from the task due to their lack of knowledge. If you are new to storing a vessel, you’ve arrived at the right place. In this blog post, we discuss a few essential tips to winterize your boat safely, so keep reading to learn more!

Change the Oil and Filter

One of the most critical things to do when winterizing your boat is to change the oil and filter. Old oil can become thick and gunky during winter months and impact your engine during startup in the spring. To prevent this, you’ll want to change the oil and filter before storing your vessel and give a fresh start to the new boating season.

Check the Antifreeze Levels

Antifreeze plays a significant role in winterizing a boat because it helps prevent the water in your engine from freezing, expanding, and causing cracks and severe damage.

Check your antifreeze levels and add more if necessary. You’ll want to ensure the antifreeze is adequate along with the other fluids, such as the oil and fuel tanks.

Inspect the Battery

A dead battery can have serious consequences, such as freezing or exploding during the winter break. To skip the hassle, inspect your boat’s battery, clean any corrosion from the terminals, and remove it from your boat. Store it separately in a dry and safe place and keep it fully charged by charging it once a month.

Clean and Dry Your Boat

Before storing your boat for the winter, clean it thoroughly by removing any gear and equipment, such as life jackets, anchors, ropes, and electronics. You’ll want to store the items in a dry place and wash your vessel with a marine-grade solution and warm water to remove dirt and stains. Remember to dry your vessel thoroughly before storing it indoors to shield it from harsh weather conditions.

Seal the Crevices

Finally, you’ll want to seal all crevices in your boat, such as portals, windows, and hatches, with caulking to ensure the safety of your vessel. You'll also want to cover your boat to keep off snow and other debris that could seep into the open areas.

We hope you find these tips helpful when winterizing your boat. If you have more questions or are searching for reliable boat winterization services near you, contact Island Watersports. We have the facilities to keep your vessel in tip-top shape throughout the cold season, and we’re excited to assist you. You’ll find us in Fenwick Island, DE, happily welcoming our friends from Ocean City and Salisbury, MD, so reach out today!